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Tara Polson Horse Training
TMJ Ranch
Understanding Horse Whorls
Looking at whorls is a time honored method of judging a horse’s temperament.
Long held as superstition, there is science to back it up. Hair and brain are formed from the same fetal cell layer. Because they form at the same time it makes sense that as a fetus develops the hair growing over the brain, and body, can shows signs of what is going on underneath.
The placement of a whorl on a horse’s face can tell us a lot about their personality.
If it is up high, above eye level, the horse will be very smart, energetic, and outgoing. An extrovert.
To the right, our right as we face them that is, shows a right brained horse, reactive, emotional, nervous, defensive.
A whorl placed below eye level should be an introvert, sometimes considered lazy or stubborn they are smart, easily bored, and can be distrustful. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a mule that didn’t have a low whorl.
A whorl that sits on the left side of the face, again our left, means a left brain horse. One who is confident and willful. The farther a whorl is from center the more pronounced the effect will be.
A center whorl is the most common and doesn’t tell us a whole lot. With that type of whorl we need to look at the shape of the head, ear, eyes, all the other clues we are given.
When we get into two or more whorls it gets even more complicated. They can show tendencies from two very different brain types. Whorls that are stacked, one above the other, show a horse that is an introvert and an extrovert. Side by side whorls will be right-brain, reactive, and hot, as well as left-brain, unreactive, and confident.
The more whorls the more interesting the horse. The people I’ve talked to who have horses with three or four or more whorls have loved them.
Whorls can pop up in some unexpected places across the body of the horse too. All horses have whorls on the neck that will tell us where they prefer to flex or what direction they like to turn towards.
Whorls on the body can tell us if they will be sensitive to the cinch or girth, or possibly even to the saddle. Whorls on the legs and belly can tell us how the horse will move. There are many whorls that we don’t yet know the meaning of but all whorls have a message for us if we will listen.
All horses are individuals. With careful thought and effort, we can find the best ways to work with them no matter what whorls they have. A whorl is not a way to see if a horse is ‘bad’ instead, checking whorls is one way for us to gather clues. Those clues can help us figure out a horse’s temperament and suitability for both us and whatever discipline we are hoping to pursue.

Horse Tricks Club
Get the Tools, Support, and Community to Create a Truly Meaningful Bond with Your Horse inside Horse Tricks Club
Join a supportive, fun community of over 800 members who are passionate about creating a stronger connection with their horses. You’ll be part of a circle that shares tips, experiences, and encouragement every step of the way.
Receive expert guidance from our kind, experienced trainers, who are ready to help you improve your skills and build confidence with your horse. You’ll always have the support you need.
Explore hundreds of unique activities designed specifically to enhance trust and deepen your bond. Keep your horse engaged, curious, and excited to learn, while making progress at your own pace.
Participate in monthly challenges and themes that add fun and variety to your routine, helping you stay motivated and continually grow your connection.
Inside Horse Tricks Club, you’ll find everything you need to transform your relationship with your horse into one of trust, confidence, and joy.
Electric Pony
At Electric Pony, we’re raising the standards in pet grooming. We disclose every ingredient in our formulas. We believe every dog, horse, (cow, goat, and pig) deserves the finest ingredients that we'd use on our own hair or skin.
Our mission is to provide premium, handcrafted grooming solutions that allow horses, dogs, and humans to connect and find calm together, without compromising their health or the environment.
Whether you're pampering a spirited trail horse or maintaining your playful pup's coat, our eco-friendly formulas ensure gentle, restorative care for all coat types.

Bee Horsey Ranch
Where Horses & Humans Come to Heal
At BeeHorsey we adopt equines and other animals with the desire to provide them with a life of love, compassion and companionship. We feel that working as partners in an immersion program with weekend retreats can produce that. The mission is to heal, both humans and our animal rescues by spending quality time getting to know your weekend partner.
Daryl Brown Productions
As an award-winning photojournalist, cinematographer, producer, and storyteller, I have a proven track record in creating compelling content for various mediums such as documentaries, social media, podcasts, and video portraits. My passion lies in capturing beautiful imagery, captivating sound, and telling great stories.
Daryl Brown Productions is a professional and affordable video production company based in Atlanta, GA. We are a team of fun individuals who take our work seriously. We specialize in shooting corporate content, documentaries, and video podcasts and providing live streaming, remote production, and post-production services to those in need.